Your identity is protected
The report is not linked to your account. Reports are sent anonymously. Your identity will be accessible only to the whistleblowing manager if necessary.

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  • The password should consist of a minimum of 8 character types.
  • The password must have at least one numerical character.
  • Password must contain at least one uppercase letter.
  • Password must contain at least one lowercase letter.
  • The password must have at least 1 of these special characters: -_.*!$@
  • The password can not contain the following characters ' '.
Aware of liability in case of false statements, production or use of false documents, pursuant to and by effect of art. 76 of the D.P.R. 445 of 28 December 2000, I declare the truthfulness and accuracy of the data entered and transmitted through the present software.
Privacy Policy*



Zignago Vetro S.p.A., as the data controller of personal data (hereinafter referred to as "Zignago Vetro"), issues this notice to the reporting person, the persons involved, the persons mentioned, and the facilitators in compliance with the European and Italian regulations on the protection of personal data.

Zignago Vetro S.p.a. has appointed a data protection officer (DPO), who can be contacted by writing to the following address:

Purposes and legal basis of processing.

Zignago Vetro processes personal data for the purpose of carrying out the necessary investigative activities aimed at verifying the merits of the reported event and taking the consequent measures.

Consent is not required because the processing is necessary for Zignago Vetro to fulfil its regulatory obligations under Legislative Decree No. 24 of March 10, 2023.

Categories of data and their sources.

Zignago Vetro processes data of a common nature (first name, last name, contact data, qualification, etc.), data of a particular nature (data relating to health, trade union membership, etc.) and/or data relating to criminal convictions, offenses and security measures: this information may be collected directly from the person to whom it refers (hereinafter "Interested Party") and/or from third parties (e.g. when the reporting person provides information on the person involved and/or other persons mentioned and/or the facilitator, or when additional information/documents are acquired ex officio from other structures of Zignago Vetro in the course of the investigation).

Retention period of collected data.

The collected data are kept for the time necessary for the processing of the report and for the period necessary for the completion of the related administrative procedure or any case brought, and in any case not more than 5 years from the date of the communication of the final outcome of the reporting procedure.

Nature of data provision and consequences in case of refusal.

The provision of personal data is optional, but necessary for the handling of reports and related activities, with the consequence that any refusal to do so will prevent the company from proceeding in this regard.

Recipient categories.

When managing the report, personal data may be processed by internal figures specifically authorised for the purposes indicated, as well as by companies offering hosting/management services for technological platforms, professionals involved in the management of reports, who will process the data as data controllers on behalf of Zignago Vetro.

Where required, personal data may be sent to third parties to whom communication is required by law (e.g. Judicial Authority, National Anti-Corruption Authority, etc.).

Under no circumstances will personal data be disseminated.

Data transfer to a third country and/or international organisation

Personal data are not transferred either to non-European third countries or to international organisations.

Rights of the interested parties.

The Interested Parties have the right to obtain access to their personal data, the updating (or rectification, if inaccurate), the cancellation of such or the limitation of the processing that concerns them, when the respective prerequisites are met and in particular within the limits of the provisions of Article 2-undecies of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003.

To exercise their rights, the interested party may use the form available at the link and forward it to the CGSW, contacting it through the channel used for reporting, i.e. at Zignago Vetro, with registered office at Via Ita Marzotto, 8 - 30025 Fossalta di Portogruaroful (VE). The Interested Party also has the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority, the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (